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Write a letter to help dolphins worldwide

Because many whales and dolphins travel long distances across country boundaries they need to be looked after by all countries around the world. This means that the decision makers of each country have to agree on how they can protect whales and dolphins and then create international laws to try and make sure that everyone follows the rules. Countries need to work together and agree to protect whales and dolphins, wherever they are in the world.


What to do...


Choose a country and write a letter explaining some of the problems whales and dolphins face and what needs to be done.  Use paragraphs to separate the parts of the letter. Leave a space between each paragraph.

1. Explain why you are writing the letter


2. Gives reasons why whales and dolphins are special


3. Explain some of the threats that are faced by dolphins


4. Write about how the problems can be solved


5. Give examples of agreements between countries which already exist and why they are a good thing


6. Write about one thing you are going to do to help the dolphins




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