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Bruce Ciz

Dolphins are known to save human live going all the way back to ancient times. Why would you kill something that saves humans ? Everyone knows that their meat is toxic with mercury. Would you poison your children for a living ? Dogs serve in the military just like dolphins do because they are intelligent and do a better job than drones could. Question then does Japan eat dog ? There are a total of 228 dolphinariums world wide. A total of 59 countries that have dolphinariums. Are there any zoos that have cattle, pigs, chickens and so on in the world that equal the number of dolphinariums ? No there are none maybe just a petting zoo here or there. Cetaceans are not farm animals and do feel pain as any other red blooded being. Does a hunter kill a pregnant animal ? No of course not it will only bring the extinction of a species. With stating that the cetaceans are eating all the fish in the oceans is fools talk. Humans are over fishing the oceans that includes Japan. Here is an article to prove it. Japan is one of the world's largest consumers of marine products. It is the largest fish-eating nation in the world, consuming 7.5 billion tons of fish a year, or about 10 percent of the world's catch. This is the equivalent of 30 kilograms a year per person. Their nearest rivals the Scandinavians consume only around 15 kilograms per person. The Japanese consume so much fish that Japan has traditionally controlled the world prices for seafood with it huge demand. Japan is home to a $14 billion commercial fishing industry. Fish and a variety of other sea creatures are caught by local fishermen, imported and raised in aqua farms. There are around 200,000 fishing vessels in Japan. Of these about 2,000 fish for tuna and bonito. < Sixty-six percent of the fish consumed in Japan is domestically caught. Even so Japan relies on imports for about half of its annual consumption of seafood, about 7.2 million tons in 2008.





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