Science now shows us just how intelligent some whales and dolphins are, so we believe they deserve the right to exist free from threats. If you share our belief then join us.
WDC is working towards international recognition of the rights of whales and dolphins. Studies prove how clever some species are; that they often live in close social groups, some passing on knowledge from one generation to the next; they play games just for fun. We even know that some are smart enough to use tools.
Each individual is important to the whole group so, as individuals, don’t they have a right to a life free from cruel commercial hunting and a right not to be placed in small pools as slaves for our entertainment? We think so and we can prove it, so why not join our quest to have the rights of whales and dolphins recognised. You can start by signing up to our Declaration for rights for whales and dolphins.

In Defense of Dolphins (abridged) - download your copy
If you want to know more about this interesting subject then Philosopher Thomas I White’s book arguing the case for dolphin rights is a good place to start. Just thirty pages in total, it cuts straight to the heart of the matter.
In Defense of Dolphin: The New Moral Frontier (Abridged Edition) is now available for Kindle or can be downloaded as a PDF.